

This morning as I went to fetch a coffee with Rob in anticipation of my flight to Copenhagen later this afternoon to attend and speak at Reboot10 (don't ask me why I thought it was a perfectly good idea until now), I noticed a father ordering his two boys to toss something in the waste bin and couldn't help but think some folks should have just joined the military instead of the parenting order.

It's been three weeks in the making (first conversation with Thomas M while I was still in Tanzania trying to get a steady internet heartbeat) and lead-up to doing a talk on 'structure vs freedom'. I barely just finished early this morning/last night after recording a podcast with Nicole Simon  yesterday.

Here's hoping I can bring something worthwhile to an already crowded and dynamic table at Reboot10. Other speakers include Joshua Kauffman & Gwendolyn Floyd of Regional,  Pedro Custodio, and many others...

6/26/2008 05:49:33 am

Great advice - think outside your silo! You have a beautiful voice and world view.

Milena Vujanovic
6/26/2008 12:34:11 pm

Looking forward to hearing all about it! It's incredible what you have been up to lately. You need to make a film and document it all :)


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