

The Observer's Review section took a look at what women have achieved in the last 80 years. It is at once frustrating and fantastic to see how far we've come and how far we have to go. And don't call me baby.
Martha Lane Fox, an entrepreneur notes that in 20 years time she would like to see women from all backgrounds in all countries having the same opportunities for education and employment as men - and be PAID the same. Amen. This is where it isn't cruel to be kind or just plain fair.
Zoe Heller, a novelist, says that if she were Prime Minister she would do something about the lack of decent, affordable childcare. Because we all know who ends up having to take the bullet on that back assed system approach to daycare. She also observes that in 20 years' time she would like to see a world in which the American female running for her party's presidential nomination does NOT have to shed tears to convince her voters of her likeability.
Yes ladies. Sex In the City is only entertainment. So until we see equal access, equal pay, equal representation, our work is still cut out for us.

4/21/2011 11:45:15 am

So beautiful posts,all I like,hope to be better then,and enjoy yourself,good luck in your life.


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