

Something that I have come to realize is that you need time to write and time to blog. Blogging for me is best when there is no time pressure and then there is the time and space to reflect. So, here I am in the Tincan office near  the Snowdonia National Park.
It is a clear, crisp autumn day. Rob had to practically drag me out of bed, because the B&B where we are spending three nights had the most comforable slay bed. I slept one of the more peaceful sleeps that I have slept in weeks. The absolute thick silence was as comforting as our blanket. I had arrived on the train in darkness and was unable to see much of my surroundings, so this morning when we wakened I asked Rob to open the drapes so that I could see what lay around us. The sky was still grey and overcast as the sun had not yet burned its way through, but eventually when we were having breakfast overlooking the green mountains speckled with white sheep and snow we got a glimpse of red autumn when the sun broke through.
It is a wonderful but simple pleasure to wake up to the beauty of green mountains, the feeling of clean air and the smell of leaves turning brittle. This afternoon and tomorrow we hope to make the best of the sun and stretch our legs in search of signs of land and King Arthur. After all, we are in Arthurian and Celtic territory as a banner at the local cafe affiliated with the centre for alternative technology pointed out. Tonight is new year for the Celts and a local celebration is being held in town hall; subtle reminders that these trees and mountains have been around a lot longer than me.

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